We offer a variety of services to achieve and maintain a healthy lifestyle.
Our licensed massage therapist is trained in many styles of massage to cater each session to each individual's specific needs. Our treatments focus on restoring balance to the body to promote relaxation, relieve pain and enhance well-being.
We have a sincere commitment to provide the highest quality of care to every individual who seeks our professional services. We offer Extraordinary customer care and affordable rates.
SARA SCHNEIDER, LMT owner and operator of Balanced Massage . She is a Wisconsin state Licensed massage therapist (license#266). With professional membership in the Associated Bodywork & Massage Professionals(ABMP) , and the credential of National Certified Therapeutic Massage Bodyworker (NCTMB), she holds the highest level of credentials in the profession.
She received her training from Blue Sky professional massage school located in Grafton, Wisconsin.
Her training includes numerous styles of bodywork from relaxation to deep tissue, but her focus is primarily on therapeutic, pain relief work and Sports Massage. Specializing in a customized blend of therapeutic and relaxation techniques that will help you to achieve your wellness goals.
She continues to expand her skills with ongoing new educational seminars on a regular basis.
When not in the office, she likes to spend time with her husband and children enjoying the outdoors hiking, swimming, biking and gardening together.
Massage sessions with Sara Schneider are available in various lengths. Regular massage sessions are catered to each individual's specific needs and incorporate the therapist's training in numerous styles of bodywork. The appropriate style of massage will be determined with each individual after a health history prior to each session.
"Whether your therapy needs are focused on wellness and stress relief, or injury prevention and resolving chronic severe pain, my intention is for you to experience the best massage you’ve ever received and provide you with a positive step toward your wellness goals." ---Sara Schneider, LMT